Sunday, October 2, 2011


 回来以后,心情依然很沉重... 我不想离开家里...我不能独立...我真的很想天天都在家...
回想起当初所做的决定...  其实,我早就预料到这样的情况了...

我很想坚强,但是从坚强到脆弱,脆弱到坚强,反反复复的... 真的很累.... 
几乎天天都在哭,但是每次哭都是一样的原因...我已经很努力地配合你们了,为什么到最后都是等于零...是我的问题吗? 还是我不适合跟你们在一起 ... 

所以, 我一定要撑到拿到文凭的那一天 !!!


天天都期待着这一天的到来... 真的很希望奇迹会发生...

Today i felt extermely homesick. I didn't know why. Maybe it's because i just came back from my sweet home. I cried in toilet. Oh my god! It's very difficult for me to cope with my life in Cyberjaya. Well, i will try my best to stand for about three weeks. Then , i can go back !!!

1 comment:

  1. at starting is like that one la...
    after that u will either get used to it or getting closer and closer to them...
    most of the time i also feel like this when with u all sapos but i used to it...cos i know is my problem...
    cheer up and be happy always...:)
